Adult Faith Formation Package

Price: $99.95

By purchasing Adult Faith Formation Package you save $409.20 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons



Product Description

This Adult-Level Comprehensive Catholic Course teaches the doctrines of the Faith. Whether you are simply exploring the teachings of the Catholic Faith, a catechumen studying for OCIA/RCIA, or are a lifelong Catholic intent on learning the fullness of the Deposit of Faith, this is our most highly recommended course of study offered at an outstanding discount. Each of our lessons is a treasure of authentic Catholic content shared in an easy-to-understand way! And you get lifelong access to it!

Course Highlights:

  1. This course is designed to be completed at your own pace, so you may finish it as quickly or as slowly as you would like. This course is designed to be complete, convenient, and of great value. Most students finish the course in 2 months on average.
  2. Thousands of students have successfully completed this course.
  3. The program includes 80 lessons that comprise six bodies of knowledge: The Life of Christ, The Creed, The Ten Commandments, The Old Testament, The Theology of the Mass, and The Seven Sacraments. Lessons will include audio, video, and text components throughout.
  4. All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.
  5. Personalized mentoring and correspondence with Certified Catechists is also available. Our number one goal is to prepare our students and we are here to help you and mentor you every step of the way.

Why Choose Our Program?

  1. Comprehensive Learning: Dive into the rich history, traditions, and teachings of the Catholic Church.
  2. Engaging Community: Join a vibrant community of learners who share your passion for faith and knowledge.
  3. Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping you grow spiritually.
  4. Whether you're a cradle Catholic seeking a deeper connection or someone new to the faith, our Adult Faith Formation Program is the perfect opportunity to explore and embrace the fullness of Catholicism.

Discover the Depths of Your Catholic Faith with Our Adult Faith Formation Program!! Deepen your faith, expand your knowledge, and join us in the journey to discover the wonders of the Catholic Church. We can't wait to welcome you!

Students pursuing a Certificate of Completion should also complete a required elective to earn their completion certificate.

Adult Faith Formation Package contains the following Core Courses:

Elective Options:

In addition to the above core courses, all students seeking a certificate of completion must also take at least one elective below of your choice. Choose the elective(s) you would like to add.

This course examines the most important aspect of our lives – our Faith. In this Introduction to Catholicism class, we cover a number of key topics – why we need religion, the existence of God, and why relativism is wrong. After looking at various religions, we will better understand why the Catholic Church is the one true religion.

There are lessons on why we need the Catholic Church, the use of philosophy and logic in understanding the authenticity of Catholicism, the Apostles’ Creed, the Bible, and Tradition in the Church. Every lesson opens and ends with Catholic prayers and there are extensive quotations from the Bible and official Church teachings. Every lesson incorporates beautiful pictures to illustrate the point of the text. This is a course for those looking for faith and for those who want to follow the Catholic religion more faithfully and enthusiastically.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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The Marriage Preparation Program is a complete marriage preparation course.

Course Highlights:

  1. Many other organizations offer online marriage classes that only consists of videos and worksheets, while costing over $100 more than our course. We believe marriage preparation should be convenient, include more than just videos, should focus on the true Catholic understanding of marriage, and be affordable for absolutely everyone.
  2. Our course centers around a theological preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Included in this course are appropriate lessons on the evils of artificial contraception, the proper use of natural family planning, and the Church's teaching on the absolute evil of abortion which married couples must live by.
  3. The course draws upon the writings of the Popes, the Catechisms, the Scriptures and approved Catholic Commentary, and the book "Marriage in the Heart and Mind of the Church" by Preston E. Wiggins. Mr. Wiggins is an expert in marriage preparation, having coached couples for over a decade. It also includes modules written by Marie Gallagher, the legislative director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.
  4. This course includes both marriage and NFP preparation bundled in one low and affordable price.
  5. It is recommended to spend approximately 4 to 5 hours studying the material before completing the course. It will consist of reading, videos, and activities.
  6. Personalized mentoring and correspondence with Certified Catechists are also available. Our number one goal is to prepare our students and we are here to help you and mentor you every step of the way.

In this best-selling course, you will learn:

  1. Why Marriage is a Sacrament and not a mere civil ceremony
  2. What is the actual purpose of Marriage
  3. Why Marriage is Indissoluble and a Lifelong Commitment "for better or for worse"
  4. What are the three blessings of Marriage
  5. What are the duties of Husbands and Wives to each other
  6. What to expect as part of the Catholic Rite of Matrimony. A step-by-step walk-through.
  7. What is the importance of a Catholic wedding.
  8. What are the practical steps to Prepare for Life with a Spouse. A practical guide for couples on conflict resolution, career choices, and handling finances
  9. How contraception is an attack on matrimony
  10. What is Natural Family Planning and how it differs from Artificial Contraception
  11. Why abortion is unthinkable for any Catholic and why contraception is related to abortion

Those who complete the course may request a Certificate of Completion for Marriage Preparation (Pre Cana and Natural Family Planning). Certificates are issued upon request within only 2 - 3 days after completing the course requirements. If needed, we can even offer same-day certificate preparation for a small additional charge. Each spouse will need to order individual copies of the course in order to be named on the certificate of completion.

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The Catholic Church is the great bastion of miracles. We have numerous miracles testifying to the authenticity of the Catholic Faith:

  1. The stigmata: Dozens of saints have had the visible marks of Christ on their bodies.
  2. Eucharistic miracles: We have dozens of miracles, some of which have been scientifically examined, testifying to the truth that the Eucharistic Host is actually Christ's flesh and blood.
  3. Incorruptible Saints: We also have over 150 incorruptible saints whose incorruptibly defies all of science.
  4. Miracles Worked Through the Saints: The blood of St. Januarius frequently liquefies. Throughout the centuries thousands of reported miracles have occurred at the tombs of the saints. St. Benedict and St. Dominic, among others, by the power of God resurrected people from the dead. St. Padre Pio, St. Gregory the Wonderworker, St. Charbel, and countless others have performed miracles. The Miracles of the Saints are numerous enough to fill volumes of books. Over 400 saints have raised the dead to life.
  5. The Miracles Performed through the Blessed Virgin Mary: Over 70 people are been healed of incurable diseases in the waters of Lourdes. The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was witnessed by over 70,000 people. And we have many miracles of the Rosary including the Miracle at Hiroshima. Many other such Rosary miracles have occurred. The Miraculous Medal and the Brown Scapular continue to work miracles up to this day unexplained by science.

In this course, we explore these and many more miracles to understand how we can know that the Catholic Faith is the divinely established religion. We also study the Church's teaching on what a miracle is and what a miracle is not. We will also carefully examine both the Old and New Testaments for what they teach us about miracles. This course goes beyond intellectual arguments and reasoning, which is often the focus of Apologetics, and shows God's works among us, some of which have even occurred in our own lifetimes.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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These lessons include the writings of saints and Doctors of the Church, Scripture, Catechism instruction and history. They include inspiring artwork and activities that will help uncover that treasure that is hidden in prayer. Not only does this investigation seek to help improve one’s prayer life, this study encourages the development of virtue and intercession on behalf of the entire world.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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Do you know how to explain the Church's teachings about Mary? When someone challenges you about "worshipping" her, do you know what to say? Do you know how to recognize an authentic apparition of our Blessed Mother from something that has been fabricated? These and more questions are answered in ten lessons on Mariology. Learn about Marian prayers, seven important apparitions, the history of Marian devotions, shrines dedicated to Our Lady, the Litany of Loretto, apologetics, the saints who were devoted to Mary and much more.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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What is true Christian morality? How does God want us to live our lives? Why does God care how we live our lives, and why should I care about God's law? Is God real, and is His law universal and objective?

What is the role of the moral life in spiritual growth? For many Catholics, morality plays a surprisingly minimal role in their daily walk with Jesus. Morality is seen simply as avoiding mortal sin to stay out of hell or as a standard by which to judge the health of our society. But there is much more to true Christian Morality!

In this course dedicated to understanding Christian morality, we explain the importance of virtue and ethics. With a Thomistic and Aristotelian basis, students will embark on an enriching journey in morality. By examining the sin of Adam and Eve, vices and virtues, the effects of the Sacraments, the true definition of grace, and much more, students will develop an understanding of and a deep appreciation for Christian morality.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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Eschatology is the study of the end of life, the end of time, and the Final Coming of Christ. In Eschatology, Christian Theology focuses primarily on the “Four Last Things” that comprise its study. They are Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. In addition to these areas, we will explore as part of the five-part series on these topics, Purgatory, the place of temporary purification after death for souls that die in the state of grace (i.e. are destined for Heaven) but are no yet perfect and able to enter Heaven.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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Catholics are bound to observe the laws of the Church, in addition to the Ten Commandments. Many of these additional laws have been long established and observed by the Faithful for centuries. All together, the Deposit of Faith, that which a Catholic must believe in order to truly be a Catholic, requires Catholics to observe the Precepts of the Church. The Precepts of the Church are not all inclusive in terms of the rules for living a Catholic life. There are other laws that Catholics are bound to observe that are not listed in the Precepts of the Church. The Precepts of the Church are the six principal ones, that is, the six ones with which Catholics should ordinary be concerned, since they ordinarily occur in a person’s life. Through this course we will study the precepts in depth to understand the need for the precepts, what the precepts require of us, and why they are so important.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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When you think of the Councils of the Church, you probably imagine a group of Cardinals and Bishops quietly discussing obtuse theological doctrines which have no practical implications. Perhaps a loud cough is heard once in a while but, on the whole, it is a staid affair. Actually, the Councils were anything but impractical or quiet. There were loud disagreements and accusations of heresy. You will read about wars, riots, murders, and shipwrecks as well as anti-popes and the suppression of the Templars. The Council members cared deeply about the religious and social problems of their day, arguing for months, sometimes years, in order to find a solution. Each lesson of this course contains a discussion of why the Council was called and what happened at the Council, as well as Biblical references and prayers. We will hear from many saints as well as a few characters not so holy. Each Council has its own exciting story but each has a unifying theme in the Church’s unending mission to guide souls to God. Departing from our standard of sharing Catechism References on the 4th part of each lesson, that part will be devoted to reviewing and studying the documents and canons of the Council in question.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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What is an apologetic? Simply put, an apologetic is an argument meant to persuade. Trial lawyers use apologetics every day to persuade juries and judges to adopt their point of view. But we, too, are exposed to apologetics everyday as we listen to advertising touting one product over another, or as we listen to our lawn care provider explain why we should continue using him to mow our lawn and trim our shrubs instead of a cheaper company down the street. No high theology to be found here! To the contrary, this course arms Catholics, both young and old, with easy to understand basics necessary to defend their Catholic Faith and to comfortably share this faith with others. If you are just beginning your walk as a newly committed Catholic or if you are a Cradle Catholic to whom the basic ways of the faith have become foggy, this course is for you.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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This course is a survey of Christian Philosophy. Even that first sentence might tempt you to ask a whole host of questions… good! Believe it or not, you are already acting like a philosopher. Let's clear the air. The biggest problem most people have with the study of philosophy is that it's not "practical" (so they say). 'I can't pay my bills with philosophy,' 'I can't support my family by studying Aristotle,' 'The world needs scientists, mathematicians, and engineers… not philosophers."

These are all examples of an attitude that has saturated in a culture obsessed with doing—obsessed with the practical, the useful, and the pragmatic. 'Thou savourest not the things that are of God but the things that are of men,' says Our Lord (Mt 16:23).

The truth is, even though philosophy does deal with the theoretical, it is also supremely practical. Do we not think that every person has a reason behind every single thing that they do? The teacher runs a classroom based on their philosophy of education, the doctor treats a patient based on their philosophy of healthcare, the CEO runs a company based on their philosophy of business, the husband and wife treat each other based on their philosophy of marriage.

Since Philosophy is a foundation for Theology, this course is intended for all adults who seriously want to form their minds as students disposed to receive Divine Knowledge.

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Pneumatology is the study of the Holy Ghost, the third person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course, we study the Holy Ghost and answer several key questions using both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition as our source. Who is the Holy Ghost? How do we receive the Holy Ghost? What role does the Holy Ghost play in our lives, in the life of the Church, in the Sacraments, or in our path to Heaven? Is the Holy Ghost real? How can we receive the graces and fruits of the Holy Ghost? What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Ghost? We will answer these and many more questions in this unique course.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.

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Unlike virtually all other history courses which undermine or omit the contributions of the Catholic Church, World History from A Catholic Perspective seeks to teach the truths of world history which are intricately tied to the Church's own history.

This course does three things which most courses never do:

  1. Mention the Church's contributions which are often ignored
  2. Combat modern errors like evolution which are touted as "fact" in public school
  3. Address the areas where the Church is falsely accused (e.g. Spanish inquisition, Conquest of the World, Crusades, etc).

This 10 part self-study course for high school students or adults is based on the following segments:

  1. Introduction to World History and Developing A Catholic Worldview
  2. In the Beginning: From Creation to Abraham
  3. God's Chosen People: From Isaac to the Division of the Kingdom
  4. The Struggle for Restoration: From the Division to the Roman Empire
  5. The Incarnation & Redemption: From 27 BC to the Ascension
  6. The Empire's "Small" Problem: From 33 AD to 400 AD
  7. The Middle Ages: From 400 AD to 1500 AD
  8. The Early Modern Period: From 1500 AD to the Mid 1700s AD
  9. The Late Modern Period: From the Mid 1700s to Vatican I
  10. Contemporary Period: From Vatican I to World War II

Drawing on the various catechisms of the Church, the Scriptures, the writings of numerous historians, the work of Fr. John Laux, and the writings of Fr. D.I. Lanslot, students of Catholic History from a World Perspective will be armed with a more holistic knowledge of history that does not fail to mention the greatest institution the world has ever known: The Catholic Church.

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This lesson is part of our Marriage Preparation Program for those looking to receive marriage or for married couples who are preparing to renew their vows, convalidate their marriage, or who are looking to better understand the sacramental reality of Holy Matrimony.

We will study how Holy Matrimony is a Sacrament, the Indissolubility of Marriage, the three blessings of Marriage, the Duties of Husbands and Wives, the Rite of Matrimony, how contraception is an attack on matrimony, and the importance of a Catholic wedding.

Practical guides will also be shared on conflict resolution, career choices, and handling finances as a couple. You will be asked to complete a worksheet on these topics and discuss them with your fiancé.

The course draws upon the writings of the Popes, the Catechism, the Scriptures, and the book "Marriage in the Heart and Mind of the Church" by Preston E. Wiggins.

It is recommended to spend 2 – 3 hours studying the material before attempting the quiz at the end of this lesson.

Personalized Mentoring and Correspondence with Certified Catechists Available.

Those who are looking to earn a Certificate in Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning) should enroll in the Marriage Preparation Program which contains this lesson on the Theology of Matrimony along with the required NFP life issues.

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