The 12 Articles of the Creed
Price: $29.95
By purchasing The 12 Articles of the Creed you save $53.91 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
What do Catholics believe? Why do Catholics believe it? We examine each of the 12 articles of the Creed as well as the Church's teaching on issues of great importance to modern Catholics. The Apostles' Creed is a series of twelve truths about God, the Trinity, and the Catholic Church that He founded. Using the Apostle's Creed as our guide, we will thoroughly understand the teachings of the Church that we, as Catholics, must believe.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer. Quizzes end each of the lessons.
- Creed #1: I Believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth
- Creed #2: I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord
- Creed #3: Most Holy Trinity
- Creed #4: Born of the Virgin Mary
- Creed #5: He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried
- Creed #6: He descended into Hell, on the third day He rose again, He ascended into Heaven.
- Creed #7: He is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
- Creed #8: I Believe in the Holy Ghost
- Creed #9: I believe in the Holy Catholic Church
- Creed #10: The Communion of Saints
- Creed #11: Forgiveness of Sins
- Creed #12: Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting
- Creed #13: The Church and the Modern World
- Creed #14: The Church and Life Issues
Other Courses similar to The 12 Articles of the Creed:
The 12 Articles of the Creed is part of the following Package(s):
- Adult Faith Formation Package
- Complete All Access Pass
- All Access Pass - Adults
- Catechist Training Program
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