The Moral Life
Price: $29.95
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Product Description
What is true Christian morality? How does God want us to live our lives? Why does God care how we live our lives, and why should I care about God's law? Is God real, and is His law universal and objective?
What is the role of the moral life in spiritual growth? For many Catholics, morality plays a surprisingly minimal role in their daily walk with Jesus. Morality is seen simply as avoiding mortal sin to stay out of hell or as a standard by which to judge the health of our society. But there is much more to true Christian Morality!
In this course dedicated to understanding Christian morality, we explain the importance of virtue and ethics. With a Thomistic and Aristotelian basis, students will embark on an enriching journey in morality. By examining the sin of Adam and Eve, vices and virtues, the effects of the Sacraments, the true definition of grace, and much more, students will develop an understanding of and a deep appreciation for Christian morality.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer.
- Moral Life #1: Man's Betrayal of his Creator
- Moral Life #2: Personal Freedom and Morality - Judging Our Personal Acts
- Moral Life #3: Beginning to Understand Sin and Morality
- Moral Life #4: Sin and Morality The Virtues: Part 1
- Moral Life #5: The Virtues: Part 2
- Moral Life #6: The Two Kinds of Grace
- Moral Life #7: The Fullness of the Holy Ghost
- Moral Life #8: The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost
- Moral Life #9: Putting It All Together
- Moral Life #10: The Beatitudes: The Heart of Catholic Morality
Other Courses similar to The Moral Life:
- The Ten Commandments
- Catholic Natural Family Planning Prep
- 7th Grade Program
- Introduction to Catholicism
The Moral Life is part of the following Package(s):
- Adult Faith Formation Package Level II
- Complete All Access Pass
- All Access Pass - Adults
- Catechist Training Program
Purchase this Course in a package with other Courses and save even more !