All Access Pass - Children
Price: $159.95
By purchasing All Access Pass - Children you save $711.86 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
In this all-access pass, take part in all of our children's level K - 8th courses. Save the largest amount possible by getting full access to the great resources of without having to buy them individually. Best of all, you get any future editions of the children's grade courses added to your account free of charge!
Note: This all-access pass is only available to a single user. Programs can not be shared between students.
All Access Pass - Children contains the following Core Courses:
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 1
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 2
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 3
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 4
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 5
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 6
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 7
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 8
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 9
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 10
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 11
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 12
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 13
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 14
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 15
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 16
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 17
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 18
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 19
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 20
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 21
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 22
- Kindergarten: Our Catholic Faith: Lesson 23
- 1st Grade: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- 1st Grade: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- 1st Grade: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- 1st Grade: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- 1st Grade: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- 1st Grade: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- 1st Grade: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- 1st Grade: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- 1st Grade: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- 1st Grade: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- 1st Grade: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- 1st Grade: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- 1st Grade: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- 1st Grade: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- 1st Grade: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- 1st Grade: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- 1st Grade: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 1: Sacraments: Grace
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 2: Sacraments: Matter and Form
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 3: Sacraments: Sacraments of Initiation
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 4: Sacraments: Baptism
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 5: Sacraments: Confirmation
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 6: Sacraments: Eucharist Part I
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 7: Sacraments: Eucharist Part II
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 8: Sacraments: Eucharist Part III
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 9: Sacraments: Confession Part I: Sin
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 10: Sacraments: Confession Part II: Forgiveness
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 11: Sacraments: Confession Part III: Priests
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 12: Sacraments: Confession Part IV: How to Go to Confession
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 13: Sacraments: Holy Orders
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 14: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 15: Sacraments: Anointing of the Sick
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 16: Sacramentals
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 17: Vocations
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 18: Prayer
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 19: Our Father
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 20: Sacrifice of the Mass
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 21: Divine Office & Liturgical Year
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 22: The Rosary and Prayer
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 23: Cardinal Sins
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 24: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- 2nd Grade: Lesson 25: Theological and Moral Virtues
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 1: Old Testament: Creation
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 2: Old Testament: Noah and the Great Flood
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 3: Old Testament: Tower of Babel
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 4: Old Testament: Abraham and Isaac
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 5: Old Testament: Jacob
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 6: Old Testament: Joseph and the Famine
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 7: Old Testament: Moses and the Ten Commandments
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 8: Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 9: Old Testament: Saul, David, Solomon
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 10: Life of Christ: Annunciation
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 11: Life of Christ: Visitation
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 12: Life of Christ: Nativity of the Lord
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 13: Life of Christ: Presentation in the Temple
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 14: Life of Christ: Finding in the Temple
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 15: Life of Christ: Baptism of Christ
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 16: Life of Christ: Wedding at Cana
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 17: Life of Christ: Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 18: Life of Christ: Transfiguration
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 19: Life of Christ: Institution of the Eucharist
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 20: Life of Christ: Agony in the Garden
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 21: Life of Christ: Scourging at the Pillar
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 22: Life of Christ: Crowning with Thorns
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 23: Life of Christ: Carrying of the Cross
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 24: Life of Christ: Crucifixion of our Lord
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 25: Life of Christ: Resurrection of our Lord
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 26: Life of Christ: Ascension of our Lord
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 27: Life of Christ: Pentecost
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 28: Life of Christ: Assumption of Mary
- 3rd Grade: Lesson 29: Life of Christ: Coronation of Mary
- 4th Grade: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- 4th Grade: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- 4th Grade: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- 4th Grade: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- 4th Grade: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- 4th Grade: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- 4th Grade: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- 4th Grade: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- 4th Grade: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- 4th Grade: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- 4th Grade: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- 4th Grade: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- 4th Grade: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- 4th Grade: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- 4th Grade: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- 4th Grade: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- 4th Grade: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- 5th Grade: Lesson 1: Sacraments: Grace
- 5th Grade: Lesson 2: Sacraments: Matter and Form
- 5th Grade: Lesson 3: Sacraments: Sacraments of Initiation
- 5th Grade: Lesson 4: Sacraments: Baptism
- 5th Grade: Lesson 5: Sacraments: Confirmation
- 5th Grade: Lesson 6: Sacraments: Eucharist Part I
- 5th Grade: Lesson 7: Sacraments: Eucharist Part II
- 5th Grade: Lesson 8: Sacraments: Eucharist Part III
- 5th Grade: Lesson 9: Sacraments: Confession Part I: Sin
- 5th Grade: Lesson 10: Sacraments: Confession Part II: Foregiveness
- 5th Grade: Lesson 11: Sacraments: Confession Part III: Priests
- 5th Grade: Lesson 12: Sacraments: Confession Part IV: How to Go to Confession
- 5th Grade: Lesson 13: Sacraments: Holy Orders
- 5th Grade: Lesson 14: Sacraments: Holy Matrimony
- 5th Grade: Lesson 15: Sacraments: Extreme Unction
- 5th Grade: Lesson 16: Sacramentals
- 5th Grade: Lesson 17: Vocations
- 5th Grade: Lesson 18: Prayer
- 5th Grade: Lesson 19: Our Father
- 5th Grade: Lesson 20: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
- 5th Grade: Lesson 21: Divine Office & Liturgical Year
- 5th Grade: Lesson 22: The Rosary and Prayer
- 5th Grade: Lesson 23: Capital Sins
- 5th Grade: Lesson 24: Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- 5th Grade: Lesson 25: Theological and Moral Virtues
- 5th Grade: Lesson 26: Members of the Church and Papal Infallibility
- 5th Grade: Lesson 27: Canonizations and Beatifications
- 6th Grade: Lesson 1: Old Testament: Creation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 2: Old Testament: Noah and the Great Flood
- 6th Grade: Lesson 3: Old Testament: Tower of Babel
- 6th Grade: Lesson 4: Old Testament: Abraham and Isaac
- 6th Grade: Lesson 5: Old Testament: Jacob
- 6th Grade: Lesson 6: Old Testament: Joseph and the Famine
- 6th Grade: Lesson 7: Old Testament: Moses and the Ten Commandments
- 6th Grade: Lesson 8: Old Testament: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel
- 6th Grade: Lesson 9: Kings Saul, David, and Solomon
- 6th Grade: Lesson 10: Life of Christ: Annunciation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 11: Life of Christ: Visitation
- 6th Grade: Lesson 12: Life of Christ: Nativity
- 6th Grade: Lesson 13: Life of Christ: Presentation in the Temple
- 6th Grade: Lesson 14: Life of Christ: Finding of Christ in the Temple
- 6th Grade: Lesson 15: Life of Christ: Baptism of Christ
- 6th Grade: Lesson 16: Life of Christ: Wedding at Cana
- 6th Grade: Lesson 17: Life of Christ: Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- 6th Grade: Lesson 18: Life of Christ: Transfiguration
- 6th Grade: Lesson 19: Life of Christ: Institution of the Eucharist
- 6th Grade: Lesson 20: Life of Christ: Agony in the Garden
- 6th Grade: Lesson 21: Life of Christ: Scourging at the Pillar
- 6th Grade: Lesson 22: Life of Christ: Crowning with Thorns
- 6th Grade: Lesson 23: Life of Christ: Carrying of the Cross
- 6th Grade: Lesson 24: Life of Christ: Crucifixion
- 6th Grade: Lesson 25: Life of Christ: Resurrection
- 6th Grade: Lesson 26: Life of Christ: Ascension
- 6th Grade: Lesson 27: Life of Christ: Pentecost
- 6th Grade: Lesson 28: Life of Christ: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 6th Grade: Lesson 29: Life of Christ: Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 6th Grade: Lesson 30: Life of Christ: The Blessed Virgin Mary Still Helping People
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 1: Introduction to Morality
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 2: History of Morality
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 3: Morality and Conscience
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 4: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 1-3
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 5: Conscience Formation and the Ten Commandments 4-10
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 6: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 1
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 7: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 2
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 8: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 3
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 9: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 4
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 10: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 5
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 11: The Beatitudes and the Marks of a Moral Life, Part 6
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 12: Thomas a Kempis and the Imitation of Christ
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 13: The Imitation of Christ, Book I, Chapter VII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 14: The Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter VI
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 15: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 16: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XLIV
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 17: The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter XXXVIII
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 18: Introduction to Amorality and the Modern Philosophy of Evil
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 19: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part I
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 20: Moral Relativism in the 21st Century, Part II
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 21: Practical Ways to Live a Moral Life
- 7th Grade: Morality: Lesson 22: Morality and Miracles
- 8th Grade: Lesson 1: Creed: God the Father
- 8th Grade: Lesson 2: Creed: Jesus Christ
- 8th Grade: Lesson 3: Creed: The Most Holy Trinity
- 8th Grade: Lesson 4: Creed: Mary
- 8th Grade: Lesson 5: Creed: Passion of Christ
- 8th Grade: Lesson 6: Creed: Descended unto the Dead
- 8th Grade: Lesson 7: Creed: Jesus Seated at God's Right Hand
- 8th Grade: Lesson 8: Creed: Holy Ghost
- 8th Grade: Lesson 9: Creed: The Holy Catholic Church
- 8th Grade: Lesson 10: Creed: Communion of Saints
- 8th Grade: Lesson 11: Creed: Forgiveness of Sins
- 8th Grade: Lesson 12: Creed: Resurrection of the Body
- 8th Grade: Lesson 13: Ten Commandments: 1st Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 14: Ten Commandments: 2nd Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 15: Ten Commandments: 3rd Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 16: Ten Commandments: 4th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 17: Ten Commandments: 5th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 18: Ten Commandments: 6th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 19: Ten Commandments: 7th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 20: Ten Commandments: 8th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 21: Ten Commandments: 9th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 22: Ten Commandments: 10th Commandment
- 8th Grade: Lesson 23: Two Great Commandments
- 8th Grade: Lesson 24: Precepts of the Church
- 8th Grade: Lesson 25: Beatitudes
- 8th Grade: Lesson 26: The Sacraments
- 8th Grade: Lesson 27: Miracles and Your Faith
- 9th Grade: Lesson 1: Knowing God
- 9th Grade: Lesson 2: Sacred Scripture
- 9th Grade: Lesson 3: How the Bible Came To Be
- 9th Grade: Lesson 4: Scripture in the Church
- 9th Grade: Lesson 5: Understanding Scripture
- 9th Grade: Lesson 6: Scripture & Science
- 9th Grade: Lesson 7: Old Testament
- 9th Grade: Lesson 8: New Testament
- 9th Grade: Lesson 9: Synoptic Gospels
- 9th Grade: Lesson 10: Gospel of John
- 9th Grade: Lesson 11: Challenges to the Legitimacy of the Bible
- 9th Grade: Lesson 12: Revelation, Scripture, Tradition, Deposit of Faith
- 9th Grade: Lesson 13: Revelation of Christ
- 9th Grade: Lesson 14: Holy Trinity, Part 1
- 9th Grade: Lesson 15: Holy Trinity, Part II
- 9th Grade: Lesson 16: Jesus and Hypostatic Union
- 9th Grade: Lesson 17: Jesus and Humanity, Image and Likeness
- 9th Grade: Lesson 18: Jesus the Redeemer
- 9th Grade: Lesson 19: Jesus & Prayer
- 9th Grade: Lesson 20: Communion of the Saints & The Four Last Things
- 9th Grade: Lesson 21: Does God Exist? Reason and Suffering
- 9th Grade: Lesson 22: Is God Good?
- 9th Grade: Lesson 23: God and Happiness
- 9th Grade: Lesson 24: Are Church Teachings from God?
- 9th Grade: Lesson 25: Mary, Apologetics, Saints, Intercessory Prayer
- 10th Grade: Lesson 1: The Goodness of Creation and the Fall from Grace
- 10th Grade: Lesson 2: The Promise of the Messiah and the Escalation of Sin
- 10th Grade: Lesson 3: Redemption Fulfilled in Christ
- 10th Grade: Lesson 4: The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
- 10th Grade: Lesson 5: The Wedding At Cana
- 10th Grade: Lesson 6: The Proclamation of the Kingdom
- 10th Grade: Lesson 7: The Transfiguration
- 10th Grade: Lesson 8: The Institution of the Eucharist
- 11th Grade: Lesson 1: The Goodness of Creation and What Happened Next
- 11th Grade: Lesson 2: Understanding the Bible and the Journey of Faith
- 11th Grade: Lesson 3: Redemption! Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
- 11th Grade: Lesson 4: Baptism is the Gift of New Life
- 11th Grade: Lesson 5: In the World but Not of the World
- 11th Grade: Lesson 6: Journey to the Kingdom of True Worth
- 11th Grade: Lesson 7: Knights for Christ and the Glory of the Transfiguration
- 11th Grade: Lesson 8: The Holy Eucharist
- 11th Grade: Lesson 9: The Passion of Christ
- 11th Grade: Lesson 10: Resurrection
- 11th Grade: Lesson 11: Discernment and the Holy Ghost
- 11th Grade: Lesson 12: Moral Implication for the Life of a Believer
- 11th Grade: Lesson 13: Prayer in the Life of the Believer
- 11th Grade: Lesson 14: Challenges for the Believer
- 12th Grade: Lesson 1: Christ Established His Church to Be His Continuing, Visible Presence
- 12th Grade: Lesson 2: Help is on the Way
- 12th Grade: Lesson 3: The Great Commission
- 12th Grade: Lesson 4: Apostolic Succession
- 12th Grade: Lesson 5: Old Testament
- 12th Grade: Lesson 6: The New Testament
- 12th Grade: Lesson 7: Four Marks of the True Church
- 12th Grade: Lesson 8: The Spirit is our Guide in Discernment
- 12th Grade: Lesson 9: The Structure of the Church and the Family
- 12th Grade: Lesson 10: The Social Doctrine of the Church
- 12th Grade: Lesson 11: The Structure of the Church and its Relation to the World
- 12th Grade: Lesson 12: Witness of the Saints
- 12th Grade: Lesson 13: Help from Sacraments and Sacramentals
- 12th Grade: Lesson 14: Fear the Lord Yet Be Not Afraid
- 12th Grade: Lesson 15: The Rhythm of the Year and the Beauty of Tradition
- 12th Grade: Lesson 16: Discernment