Homeschool Level III - Grades 9 - 12
Price: $129.95
By purchasing Homeschool Level III - Grades 9 - 12 you save $214.36 versus the combined cost of the individual lessons

Product Description
Homeschoolers may purchase this package of programs containing grades 9 - 12. This package can be used by a single user and will never expire. Buy grades 9 - 12 together in this package and save over 20%! This offer is available for homeschooling families and is not available for parishes or schools.
Homeschool Level III - Grades 9 - 12 contains the following Core Courses:
- 9th Grade: Lesson 1: Knowing God
- 9th Grade: Lesson 2: Sacred Scripture
- 9th Grade: Lesson 3: How the Bible Came To Be
- 9th Grade: Lesson 4: Scripture in the Church
- 9th Grade: Lesson 5: Understanding Scripture
- 9th Grade: Lesson 6: Scripture & Science
- 9th Grade: Lesson 7: Old Testament
- 9th Grade: Lesson 8: New Testament
- 9th Grade: Lesson 9: Synoptic Gospels
- 9th Grade: Lesson 10: Gospel of John
- 9th Grade: Lesson 11: Challenges to the Legitimacy of the Bible
- 9th Grade: Lesson 12: Revelation, Scripture, Tradition, Deposit of Faith
- 9th Grade: Lesson 13: Revelation of Christ
- 9th Grade: Lesson 14: Holy Trinity, Part 1
- 9th Grade: Lesson 15: Holy Trinity, Part II
- 9th Grade: Lesson 16: Jesus and Hypostatic Union
- 9th Grade: Lesson 17: Jesus and Humanity, Image and Likeness
- 9th Grade: Lesson 18: Jesus the Redeemer
- 9th Grade: Lesson 19: Jesus & Prayer
- 9th Grade: Lesson 20: Communion of the Saints & The Four Last Things
- 9th Grade: Lesson 21: Does God Exist? Reason and Suffering
- 9th Grade: Lesson 22: Is God Good?
- 9th Grade: Lesson 23: God and Happiness
- 9th Grade: Lesson 24: Are Church Teachings from God?
- 9th Grade: Lesson 25: Mary, Apologetics, Saints, Intercessory Prayer
- 10th Grade: Lesson 1: The Goodness of Creation and the Fall from Grace
- 10th Grade: Lesson 2: The Promise of the Messiah and the Escalation of Sin
- 10th Grade: Lesson 3: Redemption Fulfilled in Christ
- 10th Grade: Lesson 4: The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
- 10th Grade: Lesson 5: The Wedding At Cana
- 10th Grade: Lesson 6: The Proclamation of the Kingdom
- 10th Grade: Lesson 7: The Transfiguration
- 10th Grade: Lesson 8: The Institution of the Eucharist
- 11th Grade: Lesson 1: The Goodness of Creation and What Happened Next
- 11th Grade: Lesson 2: Understanding the Bible and the Journey of Faith
- 11th Grade: Lesson 3: Redemption! Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
- 11th Grade: Lesson 4: Baptism is the Gift of New Life
- 11th Grade: Lesson 5: In the World but Not of the World
- 11th Grade: Lesson 6: Journey to the Kingdom of True Worth
- 11th Grade: Lesson 7: Knights for Christ and the Glory of the Transfiguration
- 11th Grade: Lesson 8: The Holy Eucharist
- 11th Grade: Lesson 9: The Passion of Christ
- 11th Grade: Lesson 10: Resurrection
- 11th Grade: Lesson 11: Discernment and the Holy Ghost
- 11th Grade: Lesson 12: Moral Implication for the Life of a Believer
- 11th Grade: Lesson 13: Prayer in the Life of the Believer
- 11th Grade: Lesson 14: Challenges for the Believer
- 12th Grade: Lesson 1: Christ Established His Church to Be His Continuing, Visible Presence
- 12th Grade: Lesson 2: Help is on the Way
- 12th Grade: Lesson 3: The Great Commission
- 12th Grade: Lesson 4: Apostolic Succession
- 12th Grade: Lesson 5: Old Testament
- 12th Grade: Lesson 6: The New Testament
- 12th Grade: Lesson 7: Four Marks of the True Church
- 12th Grade: Lesson 8: The Spirit is our Guide in Discernment
- 12th Grade: Lesson 9: The Structure of the Church and the Family
- 12th Grade: Lesson 10: The Social Doctrine of the Church
- 12th Grade: Lesson 11: The Structure of the Church and its Relation to the World
- 12th Grade: Lesson 12: Witness of the Saints
- 12th Grade: Lesson 13: Help from Sacraments and Sacramentals
- 12th Grade: Lesson 14: Fear the Lord Yet Be Not Afraid
- 12th Grade: Lesson 15: The Rhythm of the Year and the Beauty of Tradition
- 12th Grade: Lesson 16: Discernment