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Contraception Short Course

Price: $19.95



Product Description

In this lesson we explain the Church's position on artificial contraception. Learn the basics of Church teaching as it is found in both the Old and New Testament, it's effect on the body, it's interference with chastity, it's negative effect on both Marriage and the Family, it's close link to abortion, the use of Natural Family Planning, what the recent Popes have said about contraception, it's vicious exploitation of women, and finally, the real meaning of love.

Each module of the lesson includes written explanations on a variety of topics on contraception, incorporation of Church teaching, and links to learn more information. After discussing the evils of artificial contraception, we turn specifically to natural family planning and learn how it differs from contraception. Several different NFP methods will be covered, including the billings ovulation method through video instruction.

The lesson ends with a short quiz.

This course was written by Maria Vitale Gallagher, legislative director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.