St. Benedict of Norsia
Price: $5.99

Product Description
In this lesson we will study the life of St. Benedict, his uniquely important role in the founding of monastic life, and by extension, his role in building Western Civilization. The many miracles of St. Benedict will be studied, the liturgical traditions for his feast day will be shared, and students will learn the great promises of the St. Benedict Medal. These and other facts will be shared in this lesson in honor of St. Benedict of Norsia, the Founder of Western Monasticism.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer. All course content is self-paced, asynchronous, and always accessible. Access never expires. Quizzes end each of the lessons.
St. Benedict of Norsia is part of the following course(s):