Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Price: $5.99

Product Description
The Immaculate Conception is a dogma of the faith stating that Mary was conceived sinless in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne. The Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception on December 8th, thus breaking the Advent period of anticipation and penance with a joyous occasion. In this lesson we will study the Immaculate Conception using Scripture and Church teaching, learn about when and why this dogma was proclaimed, listen to unique chant said on this feastday, and better learn how to explain this reality to others.
All CatechismClass Lessons follow our time-tested 7 Step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer. All course content is self-paced, asynchronous, and always accessible. Access never expires. Quizzes end each of the lessons.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception is part of the following course(s):